Mark Twain Typographic Poster

Photoshop + Illustrator
Poster Design

This typographic poster is based on the Mark Twain quote “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Using only typography, I decided to approach it from a political standpoint of repeated mistakes made by the United States. To show this through typography I elected to use the language of letterpress along with red, white, and blue to extrude the feeling of Americana in the form of a campaign poster. The letterpress style not only nods at Mark Twain’s job as a typesetter and his published stories, but it also perfectly encapsulates the 1950’s americana aesthetic: one full of patriotism, racism, and ignorance. The overprint style also hints at America trying to hide its tracks and covering up the past while the different letters and quotation marks allude to its various actions and behavior in conflict.

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